Embed URL (iframe)
We can now embed sites in iframes by using the Embed URL option. If the site allows embedding and its URL begins with https you will have the option to embed the whole page, or you can select to show only the site information and a link.
We can now embed sites in iframes by using the Embed URL option. If the site allows embedding and its URL begins with https you will have the option to embed the whole page, or you can select to show only the site information and a link.
Google doesn't allow iframing of sites that aren't on HTTPS to prevent browser mixed-content errors.
Google doesn't allow iframing of sites that aren't on HTTPS to prevent browser mixed-content errors.
TuneIn Player Embed
TuneIn Player Embed
Get the iframe code from TuneIn
Example: <iframe src="https://tunein.com/embed/player/s291105/" style="width:100%; height:100px;" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"></iframe>
Copy this part: https://tunein.com/embed/player/s291105/
Use the Embed URL function and insert the part you copied
See the results below