Other Sites
Sites created for information and test purposes
Other Help Sites
Steegle's Site How to Use Google Sites
My GSuites (Google Workspace) Sites
My Personal Sites
https://www.w8shi.net/ Amateur radio digital repeater site ( I started using Google Sites in order to create this site)
https://sites.google.com/view/bobs-attached-file/ (Migrated site) also migrated.k8oms.net
shs.k8oms.net Created because the historical society temporarily lost access to their domain.
www.k8oms.page (expired) I registered this domain just to show that the same site can be mapped to different domains at the same time.
Sites I Helped With
Michigan Women's Bowling Tournament
Shiawassee County Historical Society
St. Johns UCC Owosso I didn't help much with this site but the pastor is a fellow Ham Radio Operator.
SARA (Shiawassee Amateur Radio Assn) Migrated to Google Sites because original hosting site went away.