If you use Chrome, make sure you have the latest version.

Random Text Display

Go to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button, configure your button, get the iFrame code and insert it using the code section of the Embed function.

I no longer see the iFrame option. I guess we should try making our own code using the example as a template.

Random text display using JavaScript

Random Text Script

I got the code from here and used the code section of the Embed function.


To add the code, select Embed from the Insert menu and choose Embed Code.



<style type="text/css">

.thumbnail:hover {












<h1>Hover over image to expand it</h1>

<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DY7soQVXcAAgbB2.jpg" class="thumbnail" height="150" width="150" /> 


NOTE: I got the image URL from a twitter post..

<html><head>  <title></title>

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var collapseDivs, collapseLinks;

function createDocumentStructure (tagName) {

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        // no dynamic creation of elements possible







function createCollapseLink (element, siblingContainer, index) {

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function collapseExpandLink (evt) {

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  return false;


function createCollapseExpandAll (firstElement) {

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    firstElement.parentNode.insertBefore(div, firstElement);



function expandAll (evt) {

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  if (evt && evt.preventDefault) {



  return false;


function collapseAll (evt) {

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  if (evt && evt.preventDefault) {



  return false;



<script type="text/javascript">

window.onload = function (evt) {





<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">

<center><h1>Chapter 1</h1><p>This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is

chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. This is chapter 1. </p>

<h1>Chapter 2</h1><p>This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. </p>

<p>This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. This is chapter 2. .</p>

<h1>Chapter 3</h1><p>This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. This is chapter 3. </p></center>


Hanging indent: a paragraph that has all lines but the first indented. A hanging indent is also known as a hanging paragraph.

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